
Pet Poisoning- Recognizing the Symptoms and Seeking Immediate Help

Pet poisoning occurs in many households, and the substances that can lead to poisoning might be there inside homes, too. Various medicines and drugs can result in poisoning if the animal ends up having them. If you are a pet owner, it is essential that you are able to recognize what can result in pet poisoning. 

There are various substances that need to be recognized by the owner so that they can keep them away from their pets. When you have an idea of what the things that can lead to poisoning are, you will try keeping them in places where your pets cannot get them. 

In Maple Valley, residents typically own cats and dogs, but some may also have other animals as pets. It is also essential to know what things can lead to problems for your particular pet. Different animals have different susceptibilities. 

Thus, recognizing such things first is critical. Contact an animal hospital in Maple Valley, WA, to get your pet checked for any problem. They can assess the condition thoroughly and let you know about the treatment. 

What are some top pet poisons?

There are substances that are not harmful to humans, even if you ingest them. However, they might be dangerous or even poisonous for your pets. Let us look at some of those substances:

  • Ibuprofen, aspirin, and other medications can also result in poisoning.
  • Avoid feeding or letting your pet have garlic, chocolate, grapes, and some other food items.
  • Fertilizers and other chemicals used to kill weed can be really harmful to the animals. 
  • Glue, paint, and other chemically based products are not good either.
  • Lilies and sago palms among plants and flowers.
  • Insecticides and other pest-killing products are really harmful.

What are the different types of poisoning observed in animals?

There are various types of poisoning, such as:

  • Neurologic poisoning symptoms observed in animals:

Your pet’s brain can be affected by some poison. Antidepressants, alcohol, detergents, and some other substances can result in poisoning, and it may affect the pet’s brain. You are likely to see various unusual activities when such a thing occurs. 

Restlessness, panting, cycling, twitching, etc can be commonly observed. If a snake bites your pet or poison from spiders makes it to the system of your pet, they can experience seizures. 

  • Bleeding:

You are likely to see nose bleeding and anemia in your pets if they get poisoned by a rat or mice. If certain spices are ingested in excess amounts, it can again result in anemia. 

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms:

Constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, etc., can also be observed in pets. If your pet ends up having something from the garbage or eats plants that are poisonous, such things can be observed. If the pet ingests some toxic substance, then you can also notice such symptoms. 

What are the different symptoms of pet poisoning?

Strychnine may show an immediate effect on your pet if they ingest such a poison, while other substances may not show such a strong and immediate effect. There are various symptoms that you may notice in your pets depending upon how much poison they have in their system; let us look at some of those symptoms:

  • Noticing blood in their stool.
  • Every now and then, your pet may vomit and develop diarrhea.
  • They may become sensitive to light.
  • Heart rate can also increase. 
  • You may also observe labored breathing in them.

What does treatment involve?

The treatment varies depending on what type of poison they have ingested or inhaled. If there is swallowing of poison involved, you will have to try to get them to throw up. However, it is helpful when medicines such as ibuprofen are ingested. In some cases, a vet may also recommend giving activated charcoal to your pet.

Seek proper care on time!

If poisoning takes place, you need to do something immediately in order not to let your pet’s condition worsen. Contact a professional as soon as you can.  

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