Workplace safety is the process of protecting workers from work-related injuries. Every organization should make improving workplace safety a top priority.
Implementing a safety program can prevent injuries and illness. It can also impact productivity and boost employee self-esteem. So, as a business owner, it’s your responsibility to protect your workers from accidents or hazards.
Did you know that investing in worker safety is a good business decision? But how do you do it efficiently?
This post will discuss five important safety practices you can implement today.
Conduct Regular Inspections
Routine inspections ensure you stay up-to-date on working conditions. They are preventive measures to increase workplace safety so that you find potential risks before someone gets hurt.
Some inspections, like safety audits, are scheduled events. They ensure compliance with OSHA standards and identify weaknesses in various departments. The requirements for your industry are based on specific guidelines and require formal reporting.
Furthermore, additional examinations are informal. You may conduct them frequently to keep your workplace safe. An inspection can be executed before an audit to ensure compliance or after a safety incident to rectify a problem.
Eliminate Fire Hazards
Fire incidents pose hazards to workers and put clients and other guests at risk. Fire suppression systems are essential for ensuring the safety of all individuals in a business by enabling early detection and suppression of fires. A reliable Fire Suppression company is the best option if you want to provide safety to your employees.
So, investing in suppression systems shows a commitment to prioritizing the safety and comfort of workers, customers, and other stakeholders. When using flammable materials in the workplace, only keep the necessary amount for the task.
When you are not using the combustible material, you must store the chemical in a designated safe area away from ignition sources. Also, flammable waste must be disposed of daily and stored in metal containers.
A room’s surface covered by 0.8 millimeters of dust, about the width of a dime, can cause an explosion if it catches fire. To avoid dust accumulation, you can use industrial vacuums to clean dust-collecting areas regularly.
Use Industrial Cranes Safely
Cranes are amazing machines that support the robust operations of contemporary manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, and construction sectors. While these devices are necessary for completing tasks, they can also be dangerous. To increase worker safety, you should follow these critical safe operation instructions for industrial cranes.
Licensed Crane Operators Only
Always Strap In
Take Advantage of Computer Systems
Use Visual Communication
Proper crane maintenance by a trained operator ensures a safer and more productive work environment. Therefore, crane repair and inspection are essential for secure operations.
Create Workplace Emergency Procedures
Do your staff members know what to do in a fire? Or a weather advisory? What if there was a severe accident or another emergency?
Develop a comprehensive plan and communicate it to your employees to outline their potential actions in a worst-case scenario. Here’s a starter list of emergencies to be ready for:
Fire – Workers must be aware of safe ways to evacuate a building, and where to go once they’ve exited the building
Medical – From a company phone line, staff members should be able to dial 9-11 and have access to first aid.
Suspicious behavior – Employees should know the proper technique to handle persons who are showing distrustful behavior
Active shooter – Staff should identify their exits from any building part and should also know where to hide
Severe weather – Employees should be informed of the safe locations within the building to seek shelter in case of strong wind-related incidents involving broken glass or flying objects.